Guan Chun | Artist, Illustrator, Designer
/ Shanghai / China

Guan Chun / 官 纯

  • Guan Chun, a visual artist, illustrator and graphic designer of the post-80s generation. After the graduation from School of Design, Jiangnan University in 2003, Guan Chun focuses on fashion illustration and visual art, and became the favourite artist of lots of famous brands. Besides commercial cooperation she also works in multimedia, photography and publication etc.
  • In 2011 Guan held her solo art exhibition of Daily Drawing Project in Shanghai and gained widely attention and high praise. Since 2014 two picture books of her had been published which were popular and translated to many languages.
  • In 2016 Portfolio31 Art Store was open in Shanghai as a space of Guan Chun’s Art Studio, gallery for her artworks and a life style sotre of art and fun.
  • Base on those strange cats in Guan Chun’s artworks, artist label STRANGE CAT was founded by her in 2018. As a life style label, STRANGE CAT talks about “Art, Life and Love”.
  • The gratifications hiding in the details of life mostly inspire Guan Chun’s creations and cats are the primary theme of her artworks. Now lives in Shanghai, China.
  • Mostly cooperation brands:
  • L’Oreal, Kiehl’s, Fendi, Ninna Ricci, Moët & Chandon, Le Sportsac, Nike, Adidas, absolut Vodka, Shanghai Vive, Innisfree, Disney, Lining, Converse, Spark, Skittles, etc.
  • 官纯,80后女性艺术家、插画师、设计师。2003年毕业于江南大学设计学院后,开始专注于时尚插画及视觉艺术表达,在商业合作领域广受众多知名品牌的喜爱,同时也涉足于多媒体、摄影、出版等领域。
  • 2011年在上海新天地举办个人画展“时间的味道”并广受关注与赞扬。2014年开始绘本创作并已出版两本绘本,得到广大读者喜爱并被译成多种语言在海外出版。
  • 2016年官纯的作品集31”艺术品杂货铺Portfolio31 Art Store,作为官纯的Portfolio31 Art Studio工作空间、个人作品展示空间及艺术趣味生活方式商店为一体的集合空间,在上海正式开幕。
  • 2018年正式创立以官纯笔下各种趣味横生的怪猫为主角的艺术家品牌STRANGE CAT,涵盖生活美学及生活方式,关于一切艺术、生活与爱
  • 官纯擅长以生活细节之中的喜悦为灵感进行插画与艺术创作,尤其擅长以猫为题材的绘画。现居上海。
  • 主要商业合作品牌:
  • 巴黎欧莱雅, 科颜氏, 芬迪, 莲娜丽姿, 酩悦香槟, 乐播诗, 耐克, 阿迪达斯, 绝对伏特加, 上海双妹, 悦诗风吟, 迪斯尼, 李宁, 匡威, Spark, 彩虹糖 等。

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